#JaiChoisiLeBatiment The building industry faces a great deal of prejudice whereas actually it has all kinds of terrific benefits, such as varied jobs, rewarding pay packages, good career prospects, working in a modern, innovative sector, etc.
Choosing the building industry means maximising the chances of building a good life for yourself. This is the message of the campaign being run by the FFB to promote careers in the industry.
The tone of the #JaiChoisiLeBatiment (I’ve chosen the building industry) campaign is deliberately laid-back in an attempt to break down any prejudices from which the construction sector may suffer. The aim is to help both craftspeople and entrepreneurs to recruit staff and to encourage as many people as possible to choose the building industry.
The campaign highlights men and women, apprentices, employees and heads of companies, on worksites and in workshops – and they’re all proud to belong to such a promising industry.